5-29-05 Barnaby's Pizza, Northbrook IL
Private Party for "The Wasted Youth" (the unofficial Taste the Waste Fan Club
Caffey ate sausage on his pizza for the first time in 12 years before the gig. He felt ill and sat out the first 5 songs.
Ed. Note: This show was extremely bizarre. I'm not sure if the evenings events were premeditated for the benefit of the fan club or if the band was just in a weird space.
Set I
We Want Rico Chant->
Wilson Chant->
We Want Rico Chant->
Leader of the Pack-> (Rico on Vocals)
Frankenstein-> (Schiponiac dancing in the Frankenstein mask. w/ Light Up or Leave Me Alone Jam)
Let's Pretend It's Yesterday->
Theme from Wolfen->
Come on Eileen->
Let's Here It For the Boy (Caffey on Vocals, First time played in 137 shows, Although this was a real treat for the fan club Caffey was still a little green from the sausage and skipped on his staple male cheerleader dance)
*** Smoke Break ***
Yamar-> (Zo rapped about how for a few years he actually thought Page McConnels real name was Leo)
Jack Johnson->
Franklins Tower Jam-> (Caffey looked extremely annoyed)
Hey Pockey Way->
*** Smoke Break **** (Caffey apologized to the audience for the 2nd smoke break and ate some Pepcid AC )
Witchy Woman (Caffey dedicated this as his " Favorite Eagles song" to the fan club. Chainsaw appeared quite angry and took a third smoke break while the band played. After the song he explained that he never realized that Witchy Woman was an Eagles song. The Saw stated that the only thing worse than the Eagles was the smell of vomit and if the band ever played another Eagles song he would do his G. G. Allen impersonation)
Hit the High Road-> (Mod version)
Fake Memory->
Gun Shy & Trigger Happy-> (Southside debut *similar rift to Nightmare Fuel)
Down On Main Street-> (Caffey & Zo on acoustic)
Lost Sailor->
Christmas Lights->
Weekapaug Groove
Set II
Hotel California-> (30 seconds into the song The Saw screamed you asked for it, ripped his clothes off and made love to a spaghetti dinner while various female members of the fan club poured pitchers of Orange Fanta over him. Zo was laughing so hard he fell of the stage and cut his forehead open. It was reported that the sight of Zo still laughing with blood flowing over his face combined with The Saw's antics was the reason for Jen Svingos' bad trip. Fortunately Chris Forrest was there to talk her down)
TVC 15->
Radiant Summer-> (POC debut)
Layla Jam-> (22 minutes w/ Derek Trucks on guitar)
Radiant Summer->
Dumb All Over->
30 Days In the Hole-> (17 Minutes w/ Moby Dick Jam)
Foolish Heart-> (Caffey & Rico traded verses)
Glamour Profession-> (Steely Dan cover)
Foolish Heart->
Heart of the Sunrise->
Foolish Heart->
Heart of the Sunrise->
Arnold Lane->
Foolish Heart->
Cassidy Reprise->
Playin' Reprise->
Bang A Gong->
Weekapaug Groove Reprise
Shine A Light (With the house lights on, Caffey on vocals, after the song he announced "that was probably the best Mick Jagger you will ever see" Zo called bullshit and challenged Caffey to a "Jagger off" in which the fan club would decide the winner)
Respectable (Zo on vocals, the crowd was quite impressed)
Dance (pt 1.) (Caffey on vocals, The Saw on French Horn & Schaefer on Trumpet)
If You Can't Rock Me / Get off My Cloud (Zo, no shirt)
Star Star (Caffey, definitely got the crowd going here)
Far Away Eyes (Zo, After the song, the crowd was going nutz. Zo was the clear winner. During his victory speech he stated "I actually hate when Jagger sings country songs but I had to shut Caffey up and apparently it worked")
Encore 2:
Life in the Fast Lane Intro->
However Much I booze-> (Zo on Acousticaster)
Brother Esau->
Master of Puppets->
Master of Puppets
Encore 3:
Up Yerz